
What is the Revolution all about?

The (Southern Illinois) Revolution is an upcoming multimedia news/production service that tosses out traditional forms of news media and embraces the power of compelling, truthful and completely independent storytelling through video, audio, still photography and graphic design.

Based in Carbondale, Ill., we at The Revolution seek to inform the new, web-driven population in ways newspapers and television stations cannot, with the beautiful and diverse Southern Illinois as our playground.

We push the limits on multimedia technique, creating new, appealing ways to tell stories every day we are in the field. It is our passion. It is our life.

While our methods may be mind-blowing, experimental and unprecedented, we assure you none of our work is fabrication. Our stories are as real as it gets. No tricks. No hidden agendas. Just cold, hard truth.

The Revolution is not only news, but a new way to experience life altogether. It will bring you sights and sounds in a way no news medium ever has before. The rapidly changing world needs a rapidly changing news source. That is why we are not simply the evolution of news media. We are The Revolution.